
a W!LD RICE 10th Anniversary Production

Watched this musical with Mr Pau yesterday. He bought the tix from his colleagues cos they can’t make it last minute.

It’s really a good show!

Perhaps because of Gurmit Singh, Najip Ali, and Chua En Lai. Gurmit Singh is really funny! The entire show is full of never-ending surprises. And I think it’s really a lot better than Fried Rice Paradise leh.

Definitely worth the price!

At the ending of the show, I really felt like it’s a fairytale coming alive : )

You can buy the tickets on Sistic. The show will be running until 11 Dec 2010.

Aaron Kwok De Show Reel Live in Concert 09

Amazed by Aaron Kwok! Hahaha..


Getting excited as the lights dim!!


Aaron Kwok’s opening!


Spotlights on the star!!!!!


It is this opening dance that I watched, which made me screamed “BUY THE TIX” to my colleague. LOL.

I like the sleek moves and glitter dust!!!!


His first song.


After the first song, Aaron Kwok changed costume, and tried some gymnastic stunts ;p




Then he changed costume (yes, again!!!) for 中国风 dance medley. I love the lights here!





Aaron Kwok later appeared in another costume, on a bike!!



They were so fast!!


Aaron Kwok speaking after all these fast tracks (which is about 1 hour’s time from start of concert).


The stage finally starts to turn!


Aaron Kwok, so high up!



The stage is still moving….



There was a short break as Aaron Kwok changed his costume (yes, againnnn). The next scene we saw was this: open sesame (hahah).



Aaron Kwok in his bling bling gear ;p


I told my colleague that I thought he looked like astroboy in this costume hurhur..

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JJ World Tour 2009


JJ’s first stop at SG!!

I am so glad that I went to the concert with Guek (she enjoyed the concert too)!! OMG, CD recording does not do JJ’s vocals justice!!

But the most stupid thing I did was to not bring specs along when we bought the most expensive ticket. ARGH!!! So I could only see a very blur image of JJ’s face, though Guek said she could see his face quite clearly.

WALAOEH. I take back whatever I said about going to JJ concert does not need us to see the visuals.

I was totally in a daze at the opening, when JJ came up to stage. I kept asking Guek “OMG, is that JJ??????” because that person is damn shuai!!! And I had to exclaim “WALAOEH HE IS SHUAI!!!!!! HE, IS, SHUAIIII” throughout his first song.


It does not seem to be a “commercialised” concert. It was filled with so many funny moments and was so heart-warming that I felt JJ was performing for his friends and family, instead of fans and audience.

Oh, during his first few slow songs, I thought his voice sounded quite “scratchy”. But Guek said she thought it was ok, so I thought I was just “analysing” too much on how he sings. LOL.

But later on he disclosed that he had a bad throat, and as he proceeded with the concert, he sounded more and more like Ah Du (during his low and/or airy notes).


It was that bad, but he still had great dynamics in his voice! Wa lao eh, 一整个很 power and HIGH!

He made me feel that he is a very sincere star. Imagine he did 100 cards personally, wrote and signed on them, to give to the audience as “presents”! And during a particular segment, he chose 1 girl from the audience, and let her sit beside him while he played the piano and sang!


But the ultimate surprise was when JJ’s family appeared on stage and performed 醉赤壁 together. And JJ’s father could sing his song!! OMG.

Oh and did I mentioned one of his outfit was a see-through raincoat top? 肌肉男!!! =X

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